Giving Generously

God influences the world through his people. He gives to us so He can give through us. 

The Bible tells us that everything we have is a gift from God

1 Chronicles 29:14

As you give both faithfully and willingly, the world is changed for the glory of God: the gospel is preached, lives are touched, people are fed, bodies are healed, churches are built; and you, in turn, are blessed by God so that you can give again.

Simple and Secure Ways to Give

Church Office:

White Rock Baptist Church

1657 140th Street

Surrey, BC V4A 4H1

Mondays - Fridays from 9 am to 4 pm

except for Wednesdays from 11 am to 4 pm

Closed on Statutory Holidays

  • Ways to Give (without processing fees)

    Cash or Cheques

    Please make cheques payable to "White Rock Baptist Church"

    • Drop it off at the Information Desk on Sundays
    • Drop it off at the Church Office during office hours (see above)
    • Cheques may be dropped off in the Church Mailbox outside Entrance #5 (south side of the church), anytime
    • Cheques may be mailed to:

    White Rock Baptist Church

    1657 140 Street

    Surrey, BC V4A 4H1

    E-Transfers: Allows a one-time or recurring transfer of electronic funds

    To set up E-transfers with your bank online: 

    1. Click on Interac Transfers
    2. When prompted provide our Name - White Rock Baptist Church 
    3. Then add our email address giving@whiterockbaptist.ca to your transfer list. 
    4. Add your full name in the information box
    5. After you make a transfer, you will see a confirmation email from your bank

    Electronic Funds Transfer - EFT: Allows a recurring transfer of funds

    To set up ETF: Please fill our this FORM and submit it to the office with a void cheque or a printout of your banking details to the office. (We are currently doing this once a month on the 15th.)

More ways to Give

Credit/Debit Cards*

Credit/Debit cards may be processed at the Information Desk on Sundays


Giving can be processed through

*Please note the Church is charged processing fees when using Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal services.

Recurring Gifts

To set up planned giving:

  • Recurring Gifts by credit or debit cards can be done by submitting this FORM to the office (physically or by email).

Securities or Asset Gifts

A donation of securities or mutual funds is an efficient way to give charitably. Since capital gains taxes don't apply, your donation retains it's full fair market value when the security is sold.

  • Please contact the office to find out more.


To give to a cause please follow the links below or indicate on your giving envelope or in the comments.

  • Alpha is more than just a series of sessions—it’s an invitation to journey into faith, ask questions freely, and engage in meaningful conversations. Designed to be inclusive and welcoming, Alpha creates a space where people from all walks of life can explore the Christian faith in a relaxed and open environment.

    Running the Alpha course is crucial for our community. It provides a platform where individuals can delve into their spiritual curiosity, discuss life's big questions, and form connections with others on a similar journey. By supporting Alpha financially, you enable us to offer this invaluable opportunity to our neighbours, coworkers, and friends who may be searching for meaning, seeking answers, or simply curious about Christianity.

    Your contribution goes directly towards providing resources, organizing sessions, and ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs, can participate in Alpha. Together, we can continue to foster a community where faith is explored, questions are welcomed, and relationships are strengthened.

    Join us in making a lasting impact through Alpha—where everyone’s voice matters, and everyone is invited to discover faith, one conversation at a time.

    For more information visit https://alphacanada.org/

  • The Scholarship Fund provides for pastoral staff as well as undergraduate students. Financial support includes young people who have had regular involvement with WRBC ministries for at least two years, and who wish to include a Christian field of study as part of their baccalaureate education. The board recognizes the importance and the invaluable opportunities that helping future generations to pursue ministry studies could bring to contribute to kingdom purposes; if you have been prompted to financially support the work of training up future Christian leaders in God’s kingdom through Christian studies, we welcome any special giving to the Scholarship Fund.

    For more information please contact office@whiterockbaptist.ca

  • The Capital Reserve Fund, a special giving initiative, plays a pivotal role in sustaining and enhancing our cherished place of worship. Our congregation has been graced with a beautiful space where we gather, worship, and nurture our spiritual growth. However, as our building ages, it requires essential updates and maintenance to continue serving our community effectively. This fund enables us to address various pressing needs that ensure our worship home remains a welcoming and functional space.

    Current Projects:

    1. Painting - $20,000: The aesthetics of our worship space are an essential aspect of creating a welcoming and serene environment. This project aims to refresh the interior paint, preserving our building's visual appeal.

    2. New Carpets - $40,000: The main floor hallways are heavily trafficked and require new carpets to maintain cleanliness, safety, and a welcoming atmosphere for all who enter our church.

    3. Foyer Refresh - $30,000: The foyer is the first impression for newcomers and a vital communal space for gatherings. This project aims to update and enhance this area, making it more inviting and functional.

    Ongoing Maintenance:

    1. HVAC Units Replacement - $150,000: The comfort of our congregation is paramount. Replacing the last 6 aging HVAC units of a total of 14. This not only ensures a pleasant environment but also helps with energy efficiency and cost savings in the long term. 

    How You Can Contribute: Your support for the Capital Reserve Fund is greatly appreciated. If you feel called to contribute in a specific area, please don't hesitate to let our office know. We understand that each person's financial situation is unique, and any gift, regardless of the amount, is a meaningful expression of your commitment to our congregation and its future.

    The Capital Reserve Fund is a testament to our dedication to preserving and enhancing our sacred space. Your generosity empowers us to address immediate needs and create a welcoming environment for all who seek solace, fellowship, and spiritual growth within our church. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to working together to ensure our worship home remains a place of inspiration and community for years to come.

    For more information please contact office@whiterockbaptist.ca

  • We're partnering with Canadian Baptist Ministries and heading out on a SENT trip in May 2025! This will be an exciting opportunity for young people to visit, learn, and serve alongside CBM's partner churches and field staff as we see the Kingdom of God at work in a different culture. We are looking to Fundraise $30,000 to help send a group of 12 young adults (16+) with 2 chaperones to Kenya.

    For more information please visit wrbc.ca/kenya,  for specific needs please contact Pastor Hannah hannah@wrbc.ca

Thank you and God bless you for considering giving to the ministries of White Rock Baptist Church. As you give, you help us fulfill our purpose of being a loving community of hope in Jesus Christ, worshiping God, and growing in faith to impact the world.

Give Now

Please note: the "give now" link above goes to Canada Helps, an outside agency that charges WRBC a fee to handle donations. *If you donate through Canada Helps, they will issue your tax refund, but they do send us regular reports on your giving.