Youth SERVE - Whitehorse, YT
From Sun, Jul 6th at 11am to Sat, Jul 12th at 6pm

Every summer, our youth form a team to join our family of churches on a mission trip called SERVE, where they serve a community connected with a local church from the Canadian Baptist of Western Canada. Past locations have included Yellowknife, Flin Flon, High River, Prince Albert, and more. SERVE combines the best parts of summer camp with the rewarding aspects of a short-term service trip. During the day, youth engage in service projects such as gardening, visiting senior homes, preparing meals, and assisting on First Nations reserves. In the evenings, they gather to share stories, worship, play exciting games, and hear from dynamic speakers. Through SERVE, youth aim to bless communities by demonstrating the love of Jesus through active service. This enriching experience fosters friendship, strengthens leadership, and helps develop the next generation of leaders. If you are interested please visit for more information, if you would like to join please contact Pastor Hannah at